Photo: Photos from a stakeholder workshop on January 26, 2024 with various government agencies and community-based organizations to discuss future plans for the Major Taylor Trail.
In January, government agencies and community partners gathered at City Hall to discuss future plans for the Major Taylor Trail. Each group presented current plan documents and work to be completed in the next 1-5 years.
The meeting was a part of a planning process led by Trust for Public Land to create a single, cohesive plan that documents each group’s vision in one place. In attendance were representatives from Cook County Forest Preserves, Cook County Department of Transportation and Highways, Chicago Department of Planning and Development, Chicago Department of Transportation, Chicago Park District, Major Taylor Trail Keepers, Friends of Major Taylor Trail, and Major Taylor Cycling Club of Chicago, as well as 21st Ward Alderman, Ronnie Moseley.
Next steps include further coordination on issues related to land ownership, trail jurisdiction and maintenance, and streetscape enhancements. The group will reconvene in a few months to discuss progress and to review final recommendations.
Want to see some of what’s in our vision?
One item on the agenda was Major Taylor Trail Keepers’ safety plan spreadsheet. Created a couple years ago by board members Peter Taylor and Randy Neufeld, it includes cost estimates and outlines our vision for needed trail improvements. Download it below.